Total Download Count: {podpress_total_downloads}

8.8 – 2007-12-08 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.8}]

  • Fixed: Resetting to defaults (hopefully fixed) – seek3r
  • Updated: GETID3 lib I use for handling various data from media files
  • Fixed: Size and duration detection

8.7 – 2007-11-27 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.7}]

  • Fixed: Problem with file upload images, as well as other post images being messed up by podpress – seek3r
  • Added: Support for WP password protected pages
  • Added: Options for choosing the 1pixelout (classic) player
  • Fixed: A number of podango related bugs
  • Added: Podango admin page which has feature to sync up your existing posts with podango hosted file urls
  • Added: Support youtube videos. Just give a youtube video link and podpress will figure out the rest
  • Fixed bug with local path detection/validation

8.6 – 2007-11-11 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.6}]

  • Fixed: Some minor bug fix I cant remember the details for at this time – seek3r
  • This version has a version stamp problem, so still says it is 8.6

8.5 – 2007-10-?? – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.5}]

  • Fixed: Some minor bug fix I cant remember the details for at this time – seek3r

8.4 – 2007-10-?? – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.4}]

  • Fixed: Some minor bug fix I cant remember the details for at this time – seek3r

8.3 – 2007-09-26 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.3}]

  • The LONG wait is over. This has easily been the toughest release to date, and has been a bunch of work to make this the best release yet – seek3r
  • Improved: Loading routines to only load up what is needed based on what features of podpress are enabled – seek3r
  • Improved: Memory consumption from 1.2MB down to 360K. – seek3r
  • Fixed: Problem with stats redirects being broken.- seek3r
  • Added: Support for Podango users. By using the Podango API’s, podpress can display the podango hosted files in the drop down, and keep your WP posts synced up as Podango Episodes. – seek3r
  • Improved: File listing to filter out stuff that obviously shouldnt be there, as well as shorten the displayed filenames to prevent the edit screen from getting totally messed up. – seek3r
  • Added: Blubrry directory preview, and stats support – seek3r
  • Fixed: A number of situations where feeds were being made invalid – seek3r
  • Added: Alternative feed support fully integrated into permalinks – seek3r
  • Updated: XSPF playlist support is now done as a feed, so category filtering and such all work – seek3r
  • Fixed: A number of premium podcasting bugs – seek3r
  • Fixed: a BUNCH other things which I cant remember atm – seek3r

8.2 – 2007-06-15 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.2}]

  • Fixed: Problem with never ending buffering, and full download failure. Now complete download recording is an option.- seek3r
  • Fixed: Problem with file type detection due to upper/lower case conditions – seek3r
  • Fixed: play in popup now closes the main player to avoid having two players going at the same time. – seek3r
  • Fixed: a few other things which I cant remember atm – seek3r

8.1 – 2007-06-04 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.1}]

  • Fixed: Problem with preview image setting not working.- seek3r
  • Fixed: Problem with per post player disable not working – seek3r
  • Fixed: Yet another attempt at fixing the feed protection code – seek3r
  • Fixed: But that was dumping some javascript as text in the blog – seek3r
  • Moved: all the media players into a players subdir to keep this organized – seek3r
  • Fixed: URL bugs in widgets – iscifi

8.0 – 2007-06-01 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_8.0}]

  • Changed: Player system so it no longer uses AJAX calls, but does everything client side from the podpress.js file. This reduces player load times, and server load as well- seek3r
  • Added: Forced download of locally hosted files, as well as tracking if files are fully downloaded. This ONLY works when podpress stats are enabled, podtrac not enabled, and the files are hosted locally.- seek3r
  • Fixed: RSS2 UTF-8 problems. New solution is cleaner, faster, and properly encodes the content- seek3r
  • Improved: Performance/load issues. With WP2.2 its still possible we will push PHP over its memory limit, but I have made more reductions and hope it will work in more environments. I also improved the podpress_showmem output to give details of how much additional memory consumption podpress is imposing- seek3r
  • Added: Support for OGG and SWF file, with included players- seek3r
  • Changed: Config screens so that disabled sections become hidden- seek3r
  • Changed: the podpress_themes.php has been reduced a bunch. If you have a custom one, you should make sure you can migrate your tweaks to the new ones layout. It should all be fairly easy to understand the changes- seek3r
  • Moved: the players into a subdir, since Im starting to gather quite a little collection- seek3r

7.9 – 2007-04-28 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.9}]

  • Fixed: Problems with missing players and other javascript errors- seek3r

7.8 – 2007-04-24 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.8}]

  • Added: Default video preview image, and options to change it. – seek3r
  • Changed: Player Settings page to include the stuff for videos and video preview – seek3r
  • Added: Option for disabling video preview per post. – seek3r
  • Fixed: Problems with altering the feed content in lame ways – seek3r
  • Fixed: Legacy replacement categories.php – seek3r
  • Added: Options for more feed control to the feed screens – seek3r
  • Added: Ability to have multiple players, such as when you have the_content and the_excerpt being displayed together – macx.
  • Fixed: Stats pages being made to look bad when long filenames are used. Solution is to allow for text to wrap. – seek3r
  • Fixed: problem with WordPress build in enclosure support causing double feed enclosures – seek3r
  • Expanded: feed controls by file type. There has been format=EXT for awhile (which gives preference to the file extension you specify, and now there is onlyformat=EXT So if you wanted a feed with ONLY the m4v files showing up in your feed you would do

7.7 – 2007-03-22 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.7}]

  • Added: Missing functions, which got lost during the shuffling of functions to the podpress_admin_functions.php – seek3r
  • Fixed: Bug in graphs caused during day zero of an install. – macx
  • Fixed: Permissions bug
  • Added: Feedonly checkbox, for those that dont want the player on the blog at all.
  • Cleanup: Some minor improvements to the layout of the display in post edit. Also added helper text to let users know about the display_podcast tag they canuse in their post to control the placement of the player.
  • Improved: Better security checks, and added redirectors incase anyone goes to a few files directly.
  • Added: readme.txt and some screenshots. These are part of the switch to the plugins hosting service. Check podPress out over there

7.6 – 2007-03-15 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.6}]

  • Fixed: Podcast feed mechanism.This feature broke along the way somewhere, so I redesigned the way I was doing it to be more fully functional and make better use of some features in the wordpress framework – seek3r
  • Fixed: Detection of environments where the stats graphs will not work – macx
  • Improved: stats graphs. Detecting browsers language setting to display localized dates and numbers in stats. – macx
  • Added: Put back the old graphs as the (alt) for those that like them
  • Performance: Split up some of the functions into separate files for performance reasons
  • Fixed: some typos
  • Cleanup: Various path variables
  • Added: start of code to have podpress be capable of being a torrent tracker to better handle torrent feeds

7.5 – 2007-03-05 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.5}]

This release includes some new stats graphs that macx has been working on for a couple of months. They look amazing and lay a foundation for many more graphical reports to come with podPress.

  • Added: Sweet new stats graphs that were developed by macx.
  • Fixed: More feed content stripping issues
  • Fixed: WPMU 1.1.1 support
  • Fixed: slash problem with the blog title (only in certain cases)
  • Changed: RSS copyright so that users can set the value. Its in the feed settings
  • Changed: Default max media file limit. The default of 20 that I had before would make installs break when running on servers with Suhosin setup to secure PHP.
  • Changed: feedcache support to avoid gzipped feeds.
  • Changed: podpress.css to use !important which should help the preview framing box from getting screwed up in various themes.

7.4 – 2007-02-15 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.4}]

  • Fixed: Loss of category casting settings when a post is edited.
  • Fixed: Feed content stripping issue

7.3 – 2007-02-07 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.3}]

  • Fixed: Problems with category casting support, which broke after WP 2.07
  • Added: Support for two sidebar widgets. 1) Feed links, which includes the iTunes button. 2) XSPF Player. podPress has long supported generation of an playlist.xspf but no one seemed to notice or care. Maybe this will improve things
  • Fixed: Finally figured out how to protect the feeds from having bad characters (non-UTF8) that frequently cause feed validation problems for users. podPress was never to blame for this, but since people count on podPress for controlling their feed, I have decided to protect users from themeselves

7.2 – 2007-02-01 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.2}]

  • Fixed: Problems with compatibility with WP 2.1 that still screwed up users after 7.1
  • Added: support for a player image wrapper. Its in the player config page.

7.1 – 2007-01-25 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.1}]

  • Fixed: Problems with compatibility with WP 2.1

7.0 – 2006-12-18 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_7.0}]

  • Added: Theme compatibilty checking to help those having problems with the player not working. (seek3r)
  • Fixed: Feed URL setting not saving. (seek3r)
  • Replaced: Powered By logo with one from Daddo at Thanks a bunch for this, its very cool. (seek3r)
  • Working on: In my install, when I edit a post I end up with a blank page. Not sure if anyone else is seeing this. (seek3r)
  • Updated: iTunes Preview to most recent look and feel. (seek3r)
  • Added: Preview for the and Yahoo podcasting directories I think this gives users a real sense of how things look to the outside world. (seek3r)

6.9 – 2006-12-06 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.9}]

  • Changed: Seperated the itunes:new-feed-url setting from the feed URL, so that users can set the feed URL but have to seperately enable the potentially dangerous itunes:new-feed-url. (seek3r)
  • Improved: Added feedurl and itunes:new-feed-url into category casting support (seek3r)
  • Fixed: Support for WordPress 2.1. (seek3r)
  • Added: Support for WordPress MU. Im sure there will still be a few bugs here and there, but overall it should be in much better shape. I have it working on a dev install at (seek3r)
  • Improved: Alternate feed support (podcast, premium, atom 1.0, and torrent) which will work out of the box for WP 2.1 users. For 2.0.x users I still have the older working versions of the files. (seek3r)
  • Fixed: Duplicate enclosure bug when using default wp-rss2.php. I figured out a way to trap the enclosure WP wants to add, and just let mine thru. (seek3r)
  • Improvements: Improved stats support. (macx)
  • Fixed: 100 day graph bug. (macx)
  • Fixed: removed language attrib from script tags so that websites can validate with w3c-validator. (macx)
  • Improvement: Improved premium casting support. (seek3r)

6.8 – 2006-09-10 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.8}]

  • Changed: Protected users against putting itunes feed url as itunes link.
  • Changed: Method for displaying the players. I think this makes them patent issue compliant.
  • Improved: Better cache handling.
  • Added: M3U file support.

6.7 – 2006-08-01 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.7}]

  • Changed: Top level podPress menu will go right to stats if they are enabled.
  • Added: Added new graph based stats (Coded by David Maciejewski) .
  • Improved: Stats view to be paginated now (next/prev) (Coded by David Maciejewski).
  • Changed: In 6.6 the field for ‘iTunes Feed URL’ was misleading and caused HEAPS of problems with feeds. I’ve learned my lesson, labled this better and blocked the problem from happening again.
  • Added: Button to feed validator.
  • Added: Button to Ping iTunes. This is a temporary feature, soon I will have podpress ping iTunes when you add/edit a post. Im waiting on them to fix part of their ping service.
  • Fixed: Problems with some html tags in itunes:subtitle and itunes:summary RSS2 feed.
  • Fixed: Problems with saving settings. This seemed to only affect WP 1.5 users.
  • Added: will add podpress content to the_excerpt now.
  • Added: versionchecker will now cache for a day, so that your admin screens will not be slowed down as often.
  • Added: Mimimum value for ttl is now 1 day. Services such as iTunes are having a hard time keeping up with feeds that have low TTL values.

6.6 – 2006-07-13 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.6}]

  • Added: Audio Comments support using the service.

6.5 – 2006-07-10 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.5}]

  • Fixed: Double escaped previously escaped html codes. Was causing feed problems.

6.4 – 2006-07-08 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.4}]

  • Fixed: iTunes Categories to the new ones Apple changed to, and includes automatic conversions to the new ones.
  • Fixed: Some issues with podtrac
  • Added: another solution for gettings stats to work (in optional files the podpress_trac dir can be copied into the main wordpress dir)
  • Improved: memory consumption used during install and upgrades which may fix some of the blank screen bugs people using PHP5 are dealing with.
  • Added: Ability to always have a fake enclosure in the feed when the content is protected (premium podcasting feature). This allows even protected posts to show up in iTunes, but the downloads will not function. I will soon add a way to define a default mp3 file to be used to let users know about your premium content.
  • Added: Link to our frapper map. Another way to support podPress at no cost to you.

6.3 – 2006-06-23 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.3}]

  • Fixed: invalid function memory_get_usage
  • Fixed: bug in version checker
  • Removed: a few unneeded files

6.2 – 2006-06-23 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.2}]

  • Fixed: Some blank page occurances bug caused by exceeding memory limits. Accomplished this by breaking the admin code into seperate files. podPress admin code was consuming a little more than 2MB, but is now under 1MB. However, in PHP5 there are still potential problems because some PHP5 versions appear to consume twice the memory compared to PHP4. Best solution is to increase the memory_limit in the php.ini
  • Added: Support for setting the itunes:new-feed-url in the feed so that iTunes can be updated.
  • Added: Support for disabling player for individual media files.
  • Added: Support for setting max number of media files.

6.0 – 2006-06-13 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_6.0}]

  • Fixed: Repeating podtrac prefix – Thanks to Mr. Crimson for letting me debug on his install.
  • Fixed: Show ID3 tag code. This includes fixing the copy contents to post feature.
  • Fixed: Missing argument 2 for convertpodcastfilenametowebpat bug.
  • Fixed: iTunes Preview category problems.
  • Changed: The javascript files into .php files so that I could control the cache times

5.9 – 2006-06-09 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.9}]

  • Fixed: The length of the stats URLs have been causing all sorts of problems. I have shortened them considerably
  • Added: Features from the new developer macx. His improvement in the stats display is very cool.
  • Fixed: Several foreach bugs.
  • Fixed: PDF button wasnt matching up.
  • Fixed: RSS feed double comments bug
  • Added: The player text should translate now.
  • Added: cache control to the javascript code.

5.8 – 2006-06-02 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.8}]

  • Fixed: Bug with file length not sticking.
  • Added: safe debugging data in the RSS feed for when the enclosure is not showing up.
  • Fixed: Length limits on various fields which mess up the display or would cause the feed to exceed some limits.
  • Fixed: Extra pipe displayed on second media file labels.
  • Fixed: RSS feed checkbox was unchecked by default, which will lead to mising enclosures if not paying attention
  • Fixed: UTF-8 bugs

5.7 – 2006-05-31 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.7}]

  • Fixed: Serious bug that caused enclosures to be missing in some situations.
  • Improved: Cleaned up the admin javascript to function like the category casting page (much cleaner).
  • Performance: Consolidated the podPress config down from 18 seperate wp_options into a single one. This means 17 less database hits on every page/rss load.
  • Fixed: Extra pipe displayed on second media file labels.
  • Added: Option to allow you to choose if the player/preview will be visible by default.
  • Moved: default text strings for each media type into the theme file.
  • Improved: support for customizing the theme a little more by allowing the podpress.css file to be moved into the theme dir

5.6 – 2006-05-30 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.6}]

  • Fixed: WP 1.5 support. I have been forgetting to test against the classic WP 1.5 recently. It only required a few fixes to get it back in working order.
  • Fixed: Upgrade bug that could have some installs lose their per post iTunes tag settings during upgrade. oops, Sorry.
  • Fixed: Include file path bug.
  • Fixed: call-time pass-by-reference.
  • Fixed: security bug in the wp-feed.php file I include in optional_files.

5.5 – 2006-05-30 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.5}]

  • Fixed: Missing resetplayersettings function bug during activate.

5.4 – 2006-05-29 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.4}]

  • Performance: I did a major re-structuring to the code base to accomplish some major performance improvements. podPress is at the stage where its nearly functionality complete and it was time to solve performance issues. Im going to list out some of the key aspects:
  • Performance: Seperated out the admin functionality to a seperate extends class which is only loaded/compiled when doing admin tasks. So that is about 2000 lines of code no longer loaded/compiled to serve up web content and rss feeds.
  • Performance: Seperated out the upgrade routines to a seperate extends class which is only loaded/compiled when doing upgrades. So that is another 500 lines of code no longer loaded/compiled to serve up web content and rss feeds.
  • Performance: Streamlined the loading of podPress data so that it is available sooner but was able to reduce the database requests from 9 per Post to 2. This should have a noticable benefit.
  • Added: Stats support tester.
  • Fixed: itunes:duration tag bug which would allow some unusual values to be displayed.
  • Fixed: Browser crash bug with media media player.
  • Fixed: support for M4A and M4V files, so they now play inline in the browser.

5.3 – 2006-05-28 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.3}]

  • Fixed: HTML bug that screwed up General Settings page from working.

5.2 – 2006-05-27 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.2}]

  • Added: Display of files in the directory specified as your Local Media file dir.
  • Improved: Length and Duration detection code. Even works on GoDaddy.
  • Changed: Mechanism used for stats. No longer uses its own .htaccess file, instead replies on wordPress’s support.
  • Fixed: iTunes categories not “sticking”.
  • Fixed: PremiumCasting support – The Premium Subscriber group wasnt being correctly created.
  • Fixed: PremiumCasting support – Fixed support for HTTP Digest Authentication.
  • Fixed: More RSS and ATOM feeds complaince problems.
  • Added: FormatCasting. Users can choose a format that will override your RSS2 choice in the POST
  • Fixed: a number of minor bugs.

5.1 – 2006-05-17 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.1}]

  • Added: Proper CategoryCasting support. Now possible to modify the feed and iTunes settings per category. Requires the use of a replacement wp-admin/categories.php
  • Improved: Stats display. If you are using full stats support then you can see unique downloads.
  • Fixed: stats setting problem.
  • Fixed: All output from podPress is now XHTML 1.0 compliant.
  • Improved: PremiumCasting support a fair deal. I cleaned up the files, added support for a feed type, so you can use ?feed=premium if you want. It also supports categories now.
  • Fixed: RSS and ATOM feeds to be fully complaint with the standards.
  • Added: index.php in optional_files is for feedcaching support. Use this if you need/want to lighten the processor load on your webserver.
  • Fixed: a number of minor bugs.

5.0 – 2006-04-18 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_5.0}]

  • Added: ability to enable/disable the podPress footer.
  • Added: ability to enable/disable the download text link.
  • Added: ability to enable/disable the download stats.
  • Added: ability to enable/disable the file duration.
  • Fixed: few minor bugs.
  • Added: versionchecker in plugins page (snagged from imagemanager).
  • This release represents the first version where I am pushing downloads to SourceForge.
  • The site now has realtime download stats of podpress itself.

4.8 – 2006-04-12 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.8}]

  • Fixed: the full stats not being recorded.
  • Fixed: some goofy images.
  • Changed: Torrentcasting support is now able to support giving any media file its own .torrent file location. Then the torrentcast.php will use the .torrent file if it exists, else will fallback to the direct link
  • Improvment: The general options page now allows you to control more features of the Post output
  • Improvement: look in the podpress_theme.php for some samples of additional stuff you can put in your Post output.
  • Cleanup: A ton of pointer references were goofy from when I was moving things into seperate files

4.7 – 2006-04-11 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.7}]

  • Added: Image choices. Use the general menu to adjust.
  • Fixed: Stats count bug.
  • Fixed: upgrade engine. It was apparently failing quite often.
  • A few other things I know Im forgetting to mention

4.6 – 2006-04-11 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.6}]

  • Added: Added teaser to the subscriber only content, so users will see its there but not have access to it.
  • Added: Multi-Level subscriber content now supported.
  • Improved: You can now change the sorting of the media files you add.
  • Added: Better cleanup of slashes and bad RSS feed content
  • Added: TorrentCasting support. For users that can use torrents to download, it supports generating the needed feed.
  • Re-added feed category data
  • Added: Help text at various points
  • Fixed: keywords bug
  • Fixed: podpress_theme.php now has more capabilities to control various bit of output.
  • Fixed: stats counting player activity as web activity.
  • split up some of the files to cut down on the very large file size, which causes hassles during development.

4.5 – 2006-04-05 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.5}]

  • Added: Complete support for all iTunes tags, including for each Post/item
  • Added: Count only stats. Makes for much less raw data stats for those that dont need the details.
  • Added: download.mp3 file for those that cant use the .htaccess file, but can tell their server to process the download.mp3 as a PHP file.
  • Added: Ability to choose if the podpress content in your post should default the start or at the end (at the end is what it does now)
  • Theme-ified: the content podPress puts in your post. There is now a podpress_theme.php that you can put in your theme dir and make the modifications you want/need
  • Added: Help text at various points
  • Changed: layout for the iTunes/Feed page. Should be easier to compare settings
  • Fixed: The way the page would switch between players, and from the preview image to the player. It still blinks a little, but doesnt get smaller and then larger again like it used to.
  • Fixed: Bug with detecting duration when dealing with some libsyn hosted media. I did overal improvements to the entire way I process remote files.
  • Fixed: Bug with how the preview image looks in IE, including fixed compatibility with K2 theme.

4.4 – 2006-03-31 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.4}]

  • Fixed the permission problem, again. I think this time for real
  • Number of minor tweaks along with it

4.3 – 2006-03-31 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.3}]

  • Fixed the permission problems
  • Added: Language selector, this is not complete. Someone please jump in th code and complete this for me, its soooo tedious.
  • Added: Color selector for the player settings
  • Changed: Datastructure for the player color values.
  • Added: A self healing deactivate/activate routines that will fix many upgrades that didnt work out well.

4.2 – 2006-03-30 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.2}]

  • Number of minor fixes
  • This release was broken, and I pulled it after a couple hours.

4.1 – 2006-03-27 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.1}]

  • Improved: the add media file code to be compatible with more browsers.
  • Added video preview support. Just give it an image, and it does its thing
  • Added: Support for giving each media file a custom title
  • Improved: Download Stats display.
  • Improved: Tons of internal code that I had been putting off.

4.0 – 2006-03-26 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.0}]{My Birthday Release}

  • I restructured SO much code in this release and added a ton of features, some of which I cant even remember at this point.
  • Added: Premium Podcasting support.
  • Added: Download Stats.
  • Added: support for adding unlimited media files, and controlling which go into the feed.
  • Re-organized the entire admin structure to put it at the top and give it sub-menus
  • Added: design for better support of WordPress 1.5.x
  • Fixed: XHTML incompatibilities

3.8 – 2006-03-02 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.8}]

  • Fixed: Reversed video dimensions bug
  • Added: initial support for tiger admin plugin. So far only works with Firefox. Both IE and Opera still dont like tiger-admin + podpress.
  • Re-organized the javascript and CSS code, so that it only includes what it needs.

3.7 – 2006-03-01 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.0}]

  • Fixed: a path detection bug. which caused javascript errors, which broke inline player for some installs.
  • Fixed: a MAJOR feed generation bug.
  • Fixed: a bug with ebook entries.
  • Added: auto length/duration checking for Post entries that dont have these values set.

3.6 – 2006-02-28 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_4.0}]

  • Fixed: a couple more javascript errors
  • Added: support for users to define the video player dimensions even with custom dimensions now.
  • Added: better auto detection for length and duration.
  • Added: ability for user to define duration if its not auto detected
  • Added: support for online video and podcast video.
  • Added: icons for the media links, curious what people think of them.
  • Added: ability to include download links in the RSS feed’s comments
  • Added: ability to see the Cover art in the MP3 files. Currently this is display only.

3.5 – 2006-02-24 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.5}]

  • Fixed: a number of javascript errors around the video players.
  • Added: support for users to define the video player dimensions.
  • Fixed: media file size settings from not being saved.

3.4 – 2006-02-23 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.4}]

  • Fixed: getLengthAttrib bug in the RSS feed.
  • Added replacement wp-rss2.php file for WordPress 1.5 users
  • Fixed: something else I cant remeber right now.

3.3 – 2006-02-23 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.3}]

  • Fixed: Couple of minor javascript bugs
  • Fixed: More XHTML compatibility issues
  • Feature: Added support for getting the filesize of remotely hosted podcast files. Its also possible to manually set the values if you choose.
  • Feature: Added a version checker to make it easier to find out about updates to PodPress
  • Improved: Upgrade routines in the code. Makes it easier for me to add version migration scripts

3.2 – 2006-02-21 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.2}]

  • Note: Removed need for custom wp-rss2.php file. Now can run with just the plugin files.
  • Fixed: Fixed Post incompaibility with Opera
  • Fixed: some code bugs that sudo1150 discovered .
  • Fixed: a few javascript errors.

3.1 – 2006-02-21 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.1}]

  • Fixed: CSS bugs in Post page. Should now work with WP Tiger Administration plugin
  • Fixed: Added back the Listen Now: text above the player
  • Fixed: Added in the Family category which was somehow missed when I created the plugin to begin with.
  • Fixed: other random code mess.

3.0 – 2006-02-20 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_3.0}]

  • Feature: Fully Dynamic iTunes preview
  • Feature: Players for many formats, including MP4, MOV, RM, FLV, AVi, ASF, and MPG. These players show up in the post and give users the choice of how to view them.
  • Feature: Support for copying ID3 tags to Post title and content.
  • Fixed: iTunes Preview was matching blog description and not podcast decription.
  • Fixed: gettext domain wasnt specified
  • Fixed: some xhtml compliance issues

2.5 – 2006-02-16 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_2.5}]

  • Fixed: bug with new flash player structure.
  • Fixed another path detection bug
  • Feature: Now has seperate podcast description

2.4 – 2006-02-16 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_2.4}]

  • Fixed: path bug when URI is set as a remote directory. Was causing the double hostname bug.
  • Updated: to audio-player 1.2.2
  • Feature: Now supports the <!-more-> tags, and allows users to define if the player will show up before the more content or only in the full display.
  • Feature: Now supports a [display_podcast ] tag that will allow users to control where the player and download links should show up.
  • Fixed: spelling error “extentsion” to “extension”
  • Feature: Converted everything to support being internationalized. I welcome translation files to include.
  • Feature: It is now possible to use alternative macromedia mp3 players.

2.3 – 2006-02-11 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_2.3}]
*** Bug Fixes ***

  • Yet Another try at fixing the “Call to undefined function: edit_options()” bug.
    Turns out that some installs of PHP do not like it when you close the PHP tag in the middle of a class. Its ugly to do it, but the code that did it was left over from the wp-itunescatter. So I now have it cleaned up

2.2 – 2006-02-11 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]
*** Bug Fixes ***

  • Another try at fixing the “Call to undefined function: edit_options()” bug
  • Fixed the description not saving bug.

2.1 – 2006-02-10 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]
*** Bug Fixes ***

  • Added bunch of CDATA tags to the RSS feed to avoid problems. This is a stop gap measure, a better fix is in the works.
  • RSS now respects language setting. I will be converting to localization support in the next version
  • Fixed “Call to undefined function: edit_options()” bug
  • Fixed the path not respected for Enhanced Audio and Video Podcasts
  • Fixed Default Format bug that was messing up video podcasts.
  • Added function to show the iTunes button in the template.
  • Added default cover art to be used till user chooses their own.

2.0 – 2006-02-07 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]
*** Bug Fixes ***

  • Removed Download filename.mp3 from the RSS feed, since it was pretty lame in there

*** Feature Improvements ***

  • Added full support for Video Podcasts as well as Enhanced audio (MP4/M4V)
  • Removed the podcast tag entirely in favor of giving text fields for this.
    !! No more !!
  • It will automaticly upgrade users from the podcast tag.
  • Will now let you see your MP3’s ID3 tag information.
  • The ID3 tag information will update itself if you change the filename, and will even handle report MP3 files when possible.
  • Restructured the code and made things more consistant.
  • RSS2 feed will let users choose the format they want, if multiples are provided. If you have MP3 and M4A a user could for MP3 like this

1.5 – 2006-02-05 – (archive download) [Downloads: Not Recorded]

  • Fixed problem with caching system that was causing values not to save. Also fixed support for relative paths to the audio URL dir

1.4 – 2006-02-05 – (archive) [Downloads: {podpress_downloads_1.4}]

  • Fixed problem with values being lost do to init() scripts getting called when they shouldnt.
  • Now allows for remote URLs in the podcast tag
  • Added placeholders for your iTunes FeedURL and FeedID which are used when you want to Ping iTunes, or even provide an iTunes button on your site that will open iTunes to your podcast in their music store.

1.3 – 2006-02-04 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]

  • Removed duplicate podpress.php file that was in the podpress subfolder.
  • Allows for remote URLs for the MP3 files.

1.2 – 2006-02-04 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]

  • Fixed unescaped ampersands that were breaking iTunes categories tags in the RSS feed
  • Fixed save bug with itunes category values
  • More fixes and improvements to the file/url path values. For some reason these settings have decided to pester me.

1.1 – 2006-02-04 – (archive) [Downloads: Not Recorded]

*** Bug Fixes ***

  • Fixed hardcoded keywords I had left in there
  • Fixed per Post iTunes settings. They were not being saved
  • Fixed audio file path detection

*** Feature Improvements ***

  • Added full support for Explicit flag
  • Fixed and improved iTunes Keywords support
  • Added iTunes Time to Live support (TTL)
  • Made the wp-rss2.php file fully backwards compatible which means it actually will work if the pluggin is deactivated
  • In the RSS feeds the iTunes stuff is only put in if the item has a podcast enclosure
  • Added id3 parser to automaticly set the itunes:duration when a Post is saved.
  • Changed from

    so that the plugin will not conflict with the standard audio-player
  • Improved the PodPress Options page so that you can now directly edit the Podcast/Blog Description, and now makes better sense when you look at the iTunes Preview
  • Added update options button to each section, so user doesnt have to scroll to bottom to save.

1.0 – 2006-02-02 – (download) [Downloads: Not Recorded]

  • First release